Betta Fish Overview

Betta fish are one of the more sought after fish species admired, collected and bred by fish aficionados. They are usually kept as pets because of their colorful bodies and impressive fin shapes. The most popular Betta fish is the Siamese Fighting Fish. Betta fish grow to an average length of two and a quarter inches in captivity and come in a multitude of bright colors. Betta are classified as Gourami and part of the Osphronemidae family of fresh water perciform fishes.

Find out how to care for your Betta Fish here. Betta Fish (sometimes called "Beta Fish") are also known as the Siamese fighting fish. The scientific name is "Betta splendens". The Betta Fish is one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish in the world.

Betta Fish, also known as Betta Splendens, Beta Fish and Siamese Fighting Fish, are inexpensive pets and can be quite lovely. Technically, the Betta name refers to about fifty species, but is commonly used as if only Betta splendens is meant.

The Betta fish species were quite unknown among European and American scientists and fish enthusiasts until the early 19th century. The King of Siam at that time was allegedly a huge Betta fan and he loved to attend Betta fights. A doctor named Theodor Cantor was given a Siamese fighting fish, supposedly directly from the King of Siam, when the doctor was working in Siam. He became fascinated by the Betta fishes and studied their behavior for 10 years before he published an article about them. He called his fish Macropodus Pugnax. A few years after the turn of the century, another doctor developed a similar fascination for these interesting fishes. His name was Dr. Tate Regan and he changed the name Macropodus Pugnax to Betta Splendens.

Betta fish are very popular pets, with their bright colors and big, flowing tails and fins. Betta fish are great for kids and college students who want an "easy to care for" fish in a smaller aquarium.

Bettas often fare better when provided with a wider selection of different foods. The reward is in the eye of the beholder through a show of richer, brighter as well as deeper shades and hues in the fish's appearance. Another advantage to be had is that Betta following a varied diet of high protein and high fiber foods, will heal much faster when fin damage is inevitably sustained than those Betta fish following limited variety, low fiber and low protein diets.

Betta fish (also known as Siamese Fighting Fish) are friendly, easy to care for, brightly colored fish. They can be kept in fairly small bowls or fish tanks and will live up to three years of age with the right food and care.

Betta fish are hardy type of fish and they can live in a small container. A small fishbowl is enough to house one Betta fish, but be aware that two male Betta fish shouldn't be placed in one container. Or else, these two Betta fish might fight until death (that's why they are also called Siamese fighting fish).

Betta fish are colorful and entertaining pets that require minimal maintenance. They're a great fish to have if you don't want to have a complicated aquarium set-up.

The beautiful and graceful betta fish makes a great pet and gives style to your home dcor. Betta, pronounced like BET-uh, are easy to take care of and make great first pets.

The Siamese fighting fish, or betta fish, is one of the most popular fish available in pet stores today. They are brightly colored and graceful, yet relatively easy to care for.

Bettas are curious little beings that thrive when they can watch the world go by. That said, a betta fish also needs a place to retreat to for calm reflection and privacy. You can easily provide your betta with a "room of his own".

The Betta fish should be fed once or twice a day. You should be careful only to add a few pellets to the water of the fish. First lift out your plant out. Then gently add the food. You will want to add it gently or you will over feed and you will send the food to the bottom.

Bettas are carnivorous, but can usually do well on food labeled for betta fish. The addition of live or frozen blood worms (mosquito larvae) and live or frozen shrimp brine is recommended. Most aquarium bred fish will also accept dried flaked aquarium tropical fish food.

Betta Fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, are a popular pet due to their beauty and easy care. They have an average life span of 2 to 3 years. The males of the species have more vibrant colors and long graceful fins.

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